Daniel, keep on being yourself, keep doing the things you do, it makes us happy through these crazy, weird coronavirus pandemic times :)
To celebrate I decided to post an 'old photoshoot photo' which was originally shared on his official Google+ back in 2014 which doesn't excist anymore. I don't believe I shared it here on the website back then. Here it is (taken in 2013):

Throughout the day I'll be retweeting tweets (I expect a lot of mentions again) and share interesting posts on Facebook. Feel free to also wish him a Happy Birthday via Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Twitter, Facebook or simply add a comment below :).
Via social media: (I will update this throughout the day as well):
- Demelza House thanks him for his support
- Hot Ones hopes that he recovered well from the episode (watch it here).
- Tom Felton shared a photo (2012, LA premiere of The Woman in Black)
Escape from Pretoria on Twitter:
Photo: Tyler UdallA huge happy birthday to our star, #DanielRadcliffe!! Here he is on set with the real #TimJenkin - who he played in #EscapeFromPretoria. See @justwatch to see which platforms are showing #EscapeFromPretoria in your country. pic.twitter.com/652ier3Qdh
— Escape From Pretoria Movie (@escapemovie2020) July 23, 2021
↪ Don't forget to follow Daniel J Radcliffe Holland's Twitter and Facebook