Updated: The Old Vic Theatre's auction - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: The Old Vic Theatre's auction

The Old Vic Theatre openened their auction ahead of the Midsummer Party to raise money in aid of the Theatre. It features a few items signed by Daniel.

If you want to make a bid you have to create an account at oldvic-auction.com. The online auction will close at 23:15 on Sunday 23rd June 2019.

25th June 2019. The highest bid was £2.800.

Daniel Radcliffe signed Harry Potter items
- Donated by Daniel

Aged 11, Daniel Radcliffe was cast as Harry Potter. In 2017, he took to the stage at The Old Vic as Rosencrantz, in Sir Tom Stoppard’s Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead.

Impress your friends with this complete collection of Harry Potter books and DVDs, each signed by the actor.

The perfect way to look forward to Daniel’s next time on The Old Vic’s stage in Samuel Beckett’s Rough for Theatre II/Endgame in 2020.
source/photos: oldvic-auction.com

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