Updated: Daniel Radcliffe featured in book What I Love About Movies - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Daniel Radcliffe featured in book What I Love About Movies

Daniel Radcliffe is featured in Little White Lies magazine's upcoming book What I Love About Movies which will be released in the UK on 2nd October 2014. The book features a profile of Daniel's contribution to the world of cinema. There's was an article in today's issue of The Times of London giving a taste of what Daniel loves about movies. Here's his quote: He says he loves the way..
"a band of complete strangers come together and form a family and bring something beautiful and ordered out of that chaos"
The book is available for pre-order on Amazon, but also Waterstones, Barnes and Noble, and other leading bookstores. Thanks to D'Arcy from The Church of London publishing for the news. For more info visit: whatiloveaboutmovies.com.

4th October 2014. More info and the illustration by Sam Dunn featuring Daniel can be seen here via this site's Facebook page. And talking about Little White Lies, you could have missed this photo of Daniel with issue nr 54 (featured Robert Pattinson)

During the first eight years of its existence, Little White Lies magazine has published countless interviews with some of the biggest names in the movies. These interviews have been rounded off by posing a single, searching question: 'What do you love about movies?' The answers have been entertaining, profound, personal, ridiculous, revealing and unexpected, but always unique. Now for the first time, these declarations of movie passion have been collected into the ultimate one-stop celebration of cinema, with subjects including legendary directors (Francis Ford Coppola, the Coen brothers, Wes Anderson, Steven Soderbergh, Pedro Almodóvar, Darren Aronofsky, Quentin Tarantino, Spike Jonze) as well as A-list icons (Ryan Gosling, Michael Fassbender, Kristen Stewart, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom Hardy).

Alongside these star-spangled testimonies are newly commissioned illustrations and immaculate art direction care of the award-winning LWLies creative team.
Photo: faber.co.uk

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