AP interview: Without Harry Potter.. where would you have been? - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


AP interview: Without Harry Potter.. where would you have been?

Yahoo has a new interview online (from AP, Associated Press) where they talk with the trio about where they would have been/what they would do when Harry Potter wouldn't have come on their way.. and here is what Daniel said about that..:
"What probably would have happened, when I got to about 17, 18, and it became apparent, as it would have done, to my parents that I wasn't going to be going to university, I'm sure they probably would have tried to get me, like, an internship on a film as a runner. And then I'd just try to work my way up the A.D. ladder from there," said Radcliffe, whose pre-"Harry Potter" acting work included the title role in a British television production of "David Copperfield."

"To this day, I still fancy myself as a bit of an A.D. Anyone who works with me will tell you if they give me a radio, I constantly kind of try to run messages between people, that I always like to know exactly what's going on around the set. So if somebody's saying, 'Where's so and so? We need them now,' I can go, 'They're there. That person's coming back. They've just gone to the toilet.' I really like to know exactly what's going on at all times on set, because I like to feel that's another way in which I can make myself useful."

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