Fan mail picture preview - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Fan mail picture preview's Jenna received a letter from Alan, Daniel's dad, with a fan picture preview.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

The letter:
Dear Jenna,

Please find enclosed a personally signed photo from Dan, as a small thank you for the terrific work you do on your web site

This is Dan’s latest photo, taken at Leavesden Studios, during the filming of PRISONER OF AZKABAN and will be sent out to his fans over the next few months.

As we have now responded to over 50,000 letters since January, I thought I should take this opportunity to clarify a few points with regards to Daniel’s fanmail, which I would be grateful if you could share with your visitors on

Daniel values each and every letter he receives from his fans, loves to hear from them and it is his intention that each letters receives a reply. Unfortunately, many letters arrive without the senders address or the writing is illegible and it is therefore impossible to reply. Sorry!

The only two addresses which should be used for Dan’s fanmail are: ARG Talent, 4 Great Portland Street, London WI W 8P A or LEA VESDEN STUDIOS, PO Box 3000, Leavesden, Herts, WD25 7L T.

Any other addresses being used by fans (and there are many! !) means that the mail takes a much longer time to collect, respond to and many, I fear, may be lost in transit as they are not under our direct control.

What each person receives is as follows – Dan’s latest pre-signed photo and a newsletter! message from Dan telling his fans what he has been up to/ watching/ listening to etc. These messages are composed entirely by Dan – not by his agent or anyone associated with Dan and copies are then made and distributed We have so far sent out three different newsletters and the fourth due to be distributed from Nov 1, will take the form of answers to the FAQ’ s he receives in his fanmail. He tries to change this every three months.

Unfortunately, what Daniel cannot do is personally sign photos or reply to individual letters, hence the use of the newsletter as an effective means of communication. As you can tell, from the sheer volume of mail he receives, this would be an impossible task for him to fulfill with his filming schedule and academic commitments.

I see many of your visitors want to know if Daniel visits the website and the answer is no. He is, however, aware of the enthusiasm of his fans and of the fantastic work that you, Jenna, do on his behalf. He is quite simply stunned by the time and effort you put into it. He has shown his birthday album to everyone who comes to see him. It is an amazing piece of work which he will treasure forever.

On behalf of my wife and myself, thank you for the care and attention you pay to your website. We value the responsible attitude you show towards our son -. in particular, in respect to his privacy. Furthermore, we appreciate the squashing of idle gossip, insane rumours and wild speculation which abound about his life. His life is so much simpler than people imagine!

Keep up the good work!

With all good wishes”

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